Sunday, October 4, 2015

Summary of Surah Al Anfal

It is a Meccan Surah which is revealed before Surah Al An’am. It is the longest of all Meccan Surahs with 206 verses. It gets its name from an elevated place called A’raf which is between Paradise and Hell.
1 - 31
·        The Rasools as well as the people to whom they were sent shall be questioned on the Day of Judgment.
·        The Scale of Justice shall be established.
·        The Story of Adam and Iblees. Adam and Eve’s repentance.
·        Warning against falling in trap of Shaiytan.

32 - 58
·        Command of Allah to wear decent and proper dress, and eat good food.
·        Children of Adam are directed to follow the Guidance of Allah which is brought by the Rasools.
·        The Gates of heaven will not open for the disbelievers. Only believers will enter the Paradise.
·        Dialogue between the residents of Paradise and inmates of Hell.
·        Dialogue between People of A’raf and Inmates of Hell. They shall beg for water & food from people of Paradise.
·        Allah is the One who created this Universe and Pray to Allah with fear and hope.

59 -99
·        Story of Prophet Nuh and the disbelief of his People.
·        Story of Prophet Hud and the disbelief of his People.
·        Story of Prophet Saleh and the disbelief of his People.
·        Story of Prophet Lut and the disbelief of his People.
·        Story of Prophet Shuaib and the disbelief of his People.
·        Adversity and Prosperity are reminders from Allah.

100 - 157
·        Prophet Musa was sent for the Guidance of Pharoah and his Chiefs.
·        Musa’s confrontation with the Magicians of Pharoah.
·        Pharoah’s revenge against the People of Moses.
·        Final destruction of Pharoah and his Chiefs from Allah as punishment.
·        Allah rescued Children of Israel but still they disbelieved in One God.
·        Musa’s communication with Allah. Musa was given written tablets of Torah.
·        Israelites started worshipping the calf.
·        The advent of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was described in Torah and Gospel.

158 - 171
·        Muhammed (PBUH) is the Prophet for the whole mankind.
·        Allah provided food and water to the people of Musa in the desert.
·        Jewish Sabbath and its violation.
·        Jew’s wrong belief about Allah’s forgiveness.

172 - 206
·         Mankind’s testimony at the time of Adam’s creation that Allah is their Rabb.
·        Example of those who deny Allah’s revelation.
·        Misguided people are like animals, even worse.
·        Those who deny Allah’s revelation are drawing closer to destruction.
·        The Prophet himself has no power to benefit anyone or to avert any harm.
·        Allah created the whole of mankind from a single soul.
·        Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant.
·        When Quran is being recited listen to it with complete silence.

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Surah Al Baqarah Notes (8-16)

Source: Ibn Kathir

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